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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Full-frame vs. APS-C Lenses

I just finished reading "Test Full-frame vs. APS-C Lenses" by Thomas Hoffmann and Sophia Sieber in the Winter issue of c't Digital Photography. They did a thorough test of three different lenses for 3 different Cameras. The three lenses chosen for each of the three cameras were 1. An APS-C Lens made by the Camera Manufacturer, 2. A Full-frame lens made by the Camera Manufacturer and 3. A Third Party Full-frame lens. The three camera tested were the Canon, Nikon and Sony. You should get a copy of the magazine and read the entire article.

To summarize their findings, I am going to use two statements from the article: "Some of our findings were quite surprising." and "At the end of the day, there are no real arguments for using full-frame lenses with an APS-C camera."
Enjoy the article...

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