No Right Click

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Full-frame vs. APS-C Lenses

I just finished reading "Test Full-frame vs. APS-C Lenses" by Thomas Hoffmann and Sophia Sieber in the Winter issue of c't Digital Photography. They did a thorough test of three different lenses for 3 different Cameras. The three lenses chosen for each of the three cameras were 1. An APS-C Lens made by the Camera Manufacturer, 2. A Full-frame lens made by the Camera Manufacturer and 3. A Third Party Full-frame lens. The three camera tested were the Canon, Nikon and Sony. You should get a copy of the magazine and read the entire article.

To summarize their findings, I am going to use two statements from the article: "Some of our findings were quite surprising." and "At the end of the day, there are no real arguments for using full-frame lenses with an APS-C camera."
Enjoy the article...

Everybody Street Film

Just finished watching "Everybody Street", it goes well with Chris Weeks series "The Human Condition". The film and language is 'frank', not for the easily offended. A must see for street photographers capturing the human condition.